5 Nicest States in the US to Relocate to

5 Nicest States in the US to Relocate to
Published on October 8, 2022

We live and grow up in the same place we were born. Some people might be lucky enough to be born and live in some of the nicest states in the US; however, others might not be as lucky. But fortunately, there’s always a chance for change, and the 49 American states are always glad to receive their people from around the nation with open arms. 

So, if you are among the misfortunate Americans who aren’t contented with their current state, you must have considered relocating. But where to go, and what is the nicest state to relocate to in the US? Bear till the end. 

1. Massachusetts 

The diverse economy, rich history, beautiful bays, and incredible summers make Massachusetts the top of the list of the nicest states in the US. Massachusetts has a thing for everyone, so if you are a student striving to continue your studies, the top-notch universities there will roll out the red carpet for you. It’s worth noting that Massachusetts ranks first in education.

Or, if you are a worker looking for a decent job, Massachusetts’ publicly known economy will fit you a promising opportunity.  

2. Hawaii

If you want to wake up in the middle of paradise listening to Red-Crested Cardinal’s singing and waves rolling on the sun-drenched beaches for the rest of your life, Hawaii is the way to go.

Aloha’s unsurpassed nature, as well as its excellent climate, are pulling factors for those who are looking for a private, secluded lifestyle. But the truth is that Hawaii’s scenery and climate aren’t the only things that make it stand out as one of the nicest states in the US. Rather, living in Hawaii means enjoying an uninterrupted vacation, snorkeling, surfing, swimming, hiking, and many others.

The feather in the cap is that Hawaii’s people are the friendliest in the nation; as the Aloha spirit rules the state, you will feel at home.

3. New Hampshire 

Chilly climate all-year round, great natural environment, high-quality life, and most importantly, no sales tax! These factors are triggering people worldwide to be part of the NH community and recognize New Hampshire as one of the nicest states to relocate to. Not only that, but the economy in NH is among the most flourishing in the US, resulting in a humble unemployment rate and abundant job opportunities.

4. Utah

Utah has the second most down unemployment rate in the US, barely reaching 5%. Utah is the nicest state to relocate to for those planning to start a business or find their dream job, as it’s home to the most lucrative industries, including Adobe, eBay, Qualtrics, and others.

The flourishing economy isn’t the only tempting factor to pack your bags; Utah is also known for its many national parks, mountains, quality healthcare, excellent educational system, and, last but not least, a very low crime rate.

5. Colorado 

Colorado is an exotic destination for most people in and out of the US, and that’s attributed to the fact that Colorado is among the very few inclusive states in the nation. This state is known for its economic opportunities, active lifestyle all year round, mesmerizing attractions, limitless job options, and the list goes long. The only drawback of living cost of living in Colorado is relatively expensive, but trust us, it’s worth it. 

Pro Tips for a Smooth Relocation 

● Establish a reasonable budget

Relocation is not cheap; it will cost an arm and a leg. So, you better be prepared for many expenses and outlays. Obviously, the relocation budget differs from person to person; some might treat themselves to a VIP vibe, and others might be sticking to a tiny budget. So, you must do the math as soon as possible by considering all expenses, moving companies, packing necessities, flight costs, the new house rental, etc.

● Don’t put off planning

You’re about to undertake a massive step in your life, so to ensure this step will be stress-free, you better start planning as early as possible. It will help if you research moving and auto transport companies as soon as you decide about the relocation.

Teaming with a real estate broker to sell your current house and find you a new one in the nice state you’re about to relocate to is also advisable without delay, as these procedures take ages.

● Hire an auto transport company

From emptying your house, putting it for sale, packing your bags, and figuring out what to do with your car, you will have a lot on your plate. And in cases like that, we all would appreciate a helping hand.

While hiring a moving company will lift one burden off your shoulders regarding furniture, clothes, and fragile belongings, an car transport company, will lift another heavy burden, your car.

Hiring an auto transport company will save you a lot of stress and trouble; your car will travel to your next settlement without moving a muscle and in the safest way possible. But you must remember that the auto shipping process is sensitive and needs a team and fleet of the most professional service providers in the market. Ensure you hire a licensed, experienced, and high-quality company like Tempus Logix.

Read about Qualities of a Great Auto Transport Company.

The Bottom Line

Selecting the nicest state in the US to relocate to won’t be a walk in the park; you will need to think thoroughly, consult your family and acquaintances, and consider all the factors wisely. So, take your time and not rush this decision, as the negative outcomes of an unrated one are massive.

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