Positive Change through Charitable Campaigns

Positive Change through Charitable Campaigns
Published on April 24, 2023

Tempus Logix has been committed to giving back to the community through charitable causes since its founding eight years ago. With over 45,000 vehicles shipped across the country, we value every community in the United States and understand the importance of contributing to various causes that mean a lot to them. Because, as a company, we at Tempus Logix believe in supporting the communities that have supported us throughout the years

“We believe that it is our responsibility as a business to impact the community we serve positively. We strive to give back through various initiatives and charitable causes.”

CEO of Tempus Logix, United States

One of our recent contributions is a partnership with several local charities to support needy families. Through this partnership, we have donated some of our profits for three months to help provide food, clothing, and other necessities.

In addition to charitable causes, we have been actively involved in community initiatives, such as sponsoring local sports teams and participating in charity walks. As we continue to grow and expand, we will remain committed to supporting our local community and giving back in any way possible.

“We believe that community engagement is essential in building a better future for all of us. We will continue to invest in our community through various initiatives and charitable causes.”

CEO of Tempus Logix, United States

Our company is excited to announce that we will join forces with other companies from various industries to plan a big charitable campaign by the end of the year. We believe that working together can significantly impact a cause or community that is important to us.

Currently, we are in the process of identifying the cause or community we want to support through our campaign. We are exploring various options and considering what aligns best with our company values and mission.

Once we have identified the cause or community, we will contact other companies that share our passion and commitment. We believe that by partnering with companies from different industries, we can bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table and create a truly impactful campaign.

Tempus Logix also strives to reduce its carbon footprint by implementing artificial intelligence in daily operations, like optimizing the drivers’ routes to be as short as possible.

“After we implemented AI in our online auto shipping cost calculator, we acknowledged the importance of AI in improving day-to-day operations and invested heavily in several other AI solutions in 2023, aiming to scale up our company’s performance while protecting the planet.”
CEO of Tempus Logix, United States

Tempus Logix believes in the future of our country and is always ready to act solely or collaboratively with others to leave a positive impact in various fields.

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