Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Classic Car

Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Classic Car

Buying a classic and collectible car for the first time is not easy; people usually get confused and become unsure of what to do next.

Everyone better be careful and get to know about these common mistakes they might face during the process.

So, if you want to buy a collectible car, it’s the perfect time to read this article; it’ll help you avoid those mistakes and purchase the classic car of your dreams.

Mistake #1- Buying without doing comprehensive research

Whenever you want to buy a new car, let alone this car being the classic type, it’s evident that firstly you have to do some research about the vehicle model, fuel consumption, safety, and much more.

Find out more about the car you’re buying.

Look into the collectible vehicle background, the model, and the year of make. Is the car operable or not? Does it have safety equipment? What color is it? It’s important to mention that your vehicle’s paint color may be worth a lot more than expectations; the same model with rare color can be sold for double the amount of a normal one or even more.

Research classic car transport companies.

After choosing the best collectible car worth your investment, it is time to get information about the classic car’s shipping cost and services. It is vital to be aware of all details regarding car transportation until it reaches its final destination. Some people think it’s easy to drive the classic car home across the states. However, the process is much more complicated, and collectible cars are valuable belongings that require special care.

Tempus Logix is an automobile shipping company that has transported more than 30,000 vehicles nationwide. Classic car transport is one of the many services the company offers cost-efficiently and professionally.

Learn about the Tips to Safely Transport Your Classic Car.

Mistake #2- Buying a classic car you can’t sell

Buying collectible cars should be a hobby to enjoy and a revenue-generating business. When you have a passion for classic cars, you can figure out how to purchase good off-market deals and make money selling them.

It is highly recommended to use collectible cars to make a profit. However, it requires lots of research about the classic car and its market demand. The price of a classic and collectible car at a given time is quite difficult to predict; the purchasing is subject to many factors, including the car manufacture, model, condition, repairs, demand, and others.

Mistake #3- Ignoring your passion

Some people tend to buy classic and collectible cars depending on the vehicle’s popularity, whether they like its model or not. That is a huge mistake you don’t want to make when buying your collectible vehicle.

Don’t decide solely based on the collectible car’s value for others; remember that it is your investment, and it is supposed to satisfy your expectations, not anyone else’s. All collectible car owners understand that getting a new vehicle takes a lot of energy, time, and money. No one wants to waste all that effort to buy a popular classic car they aren’t passionate about.

Mistake #4- Miscalculating the costs

Miscalculating the costs is very common since people are used to thinking about the cost as the classic car price only, which is not correct. Before buying a vintage vehicle, you must calculate all charges related to the purchasing process and ensure you can afford it.

The upkeep costs may exceed your expectations, mainly if you are sticking with original parts which require regular repairs from time to time, not to mention the cost of replacing some parts; they are expensive and rare, so you might face some difficulties looking for them if needed.

Mistake #5- Skipping the VIN check

Before buying a collectible vehicle, it is essential to check its VIN (Vehicle’s Identification Number). Usually, you will find it stamped directly onto the engine. If not, try looking for it on the dashboard exterior or under the spare tire.

Ask the car owner or the dealer for the vehicle’s VIN if you still can’t find it. This number allows for verifying whether a car is suspicious or not; it is the best way to find out about the vehicle’s true identity. Checking this number helps identify if the engine has been replaced or something is wrong. Moreover, it’s easy to check the VIN since car manufacturers, and registration agencies have a complete database of VIN information. 

Mistake #6- Forgetting the need for a particular mechanic to help

It is pretty easy to find a mechanic for your car these days. Furthermore, it’s widespread for people not to think of finding a qualified one before buying a vehicle. Classic cars are different; limited models and rare parts are challenging to repair.

You can trust only a few mechanics with pre-purchase checks for a collectible car and other maintenance work. It is vital to research the availability of specialist mechanics who have experience in your area, and you have to get some information about their costs and services.


Buying a classic car needs a lot more attention than you might think. Try to avoid all mistakes mentioned above and remember not to buy a vintage collectible vehicle just because it seemed like a big deal to you because there will be consequences; there always are.

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